2021-04-23 来源:润滑油情报网

- 本价格指数考虑并涵盖增值税和消费税因素
- 上图由历史数据对比,得出中国150N(II)基础油价格指数曲线,同时辅以国际原油WTI和中国0#柴油价格的历史数据曲线变化作参考依据,以保证指数的合理性和权威性
- 拟定以中国150N(II)基础油产品的主体生产企业挂牌价为基准采集数据
- 以用户最小一个槽车的交易量价格为修正因素
- 采集和发布周期为每一旬(10天)一次
- 本数据为价格指数,不代表生产企业价格
- The price index considers and covers VAT and consumption tax factors.
- The figure above is a comparison of historical data to obtain China 150N (II) base oil price index curve, supplemented by the historical data curve of international petroleum WTI and China 0# diesel price as a reference basis to ensure the rationality and authority of the index.
- The benchmark data is collected from the listing price of 150N (II) published by the main producer in China.
- The corrective factor is the transaction price of the smallest slot truck for the users.
- Data collection and price index release period is every ten days.
- The data is a price index and doesn’t represent the price of the producer.
The price index is jointly produced and published by Shanghai Lubricant Trade Association, Guangdong Lubricant Industry Association, Tianjin Oil & Grease Association, Shandong Lubricant Industry Association and Fujian Lubricant Trade Association.The price index is particularly grateful to Enmore and Baiinfor.